Transglobal Express - Worldwide Parcel Delivery
  • 0345 145 1212 Monday to Friday, 08:30 – 18:00
    Saturday, 09:00 - 13:00. Calls recorded.

The last quarter of 2020 was a challenging one. We faced our busiest ever Christmas period, fresh lockdowns, border closures, and a last-minute Brexit deal that meant we, our carriers and our customers had to prepare quickly for new changes to the way customs procedures work.

In this context, a sharp rise in customer queries and concerns was inevitable. However, we are pleased to report that, to judge by the responses to our latest customer satisfaction survey, overall we have been able to maintain our usual high standards of customer service—and while we’re as keen as anyone for a less eventful new year, our experiences of 2020 stand us in good stead for whatever 2021 brings.

This survey went out to customers who made an order with us in October, November or December. Thank you to everyone who took the time to respond.

How you rated our customer service

147 of you rated your experience of our customer service. Excluding responses of “N/A”, 91.2% of respondents rated our professionalism as Good or Excellent, 90.4% our level of knowledge, and 89.1% our quality of advice.

93.1% of survey respondents rated our speed of answering the phone as Good or Excellent; 83.5% our speed of answering emails; and 83.3% the speed with which their query was resolved.

“ Excellent customer service. Polite, efficient and always resolves my queries.”

“ Responded quickly and with full knowledge of the answer in seconds ”

“ All queries dealt with professionally & efficiently in a friendly manner, however minor the query may be. I have spoken to different people at different times & they were always polite & offered advice & solutions.”


Level of Knowledge

Quality of Advice

How you rated our website

315 customers rated our website.

Excluding responses of “N/A”, 90.9% rated it as Good or Excellent for ease of finding information; 88.6% for clarity of information; and 90.6% for ease of booking.

91.8% of respondents rated us Good or Excellent for the overall experience of using our website.

“ The website is intuitive and therefore easy to use ”

“ good use of language to help me - a not very experienced user - through the website ”

“ Having switched from using the Royal Mail, I have been really pleased with my experience of using Transglobal. ”

How you rated us overall

Of 310 respondents, 90% felt that we listened to and valued their opinion, and 91.6% said they would probably or definitely recommend us to a friend.

Customers who feel we value their opinion

Customers who would recommend us to a friend

About Transglobal Express

Transglobal Express is one of the UK’s leading international courier and freight forwarding providers. Since its incorporation in 1993, the company has earned a reputation for high quality air freight, sea freight and worldwide courier services.

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